In consideration of the agreement by the Town of Hanover to allow my child or myself to participate in program(s), the undersigned hereby agrees as follows:
1. In the event of an emergency requiring medical attention, I authorize that necessary medical attention be given to my child by an Emergency Medical Technician or Physician in the event I cannot be reached.
2. That no claim will be made by the undersigned on behalf of myself or on behalf of my child for personal injuries or other losses sustained by my child as a result of my child’s participation in the above described program(s).
3. That, in the event any claim is made by my child for injuries or damages sustained by my child as a result of my child’s participation in the above described program(s), I shall hold the Town of Hanover harmless from, and indemnify it against, any such claim, including reasonable attorney’s fees incurred by above participant in connection therewith, whether or not such claims result in litigation. The undersigned acknowledges that my child’s participation in the above described program(s) may reasonably be considered a dangerous activity(ies).
This Agreement is executed by the undersigned upon the understanding that the Town of Hanover will use best practices in the conduct of the above described program(s).